
Hey Mama!

My name is Ivy from Managing Money & Motherhood. I am a wife and mother of two wonderful children. I have a degree in accounting and I work full time outside the home.

I know it is different in all families, but over here, mom manages it all! From remembering every family members’ birthday, to taking the dog to the vet, to making sure everyone has clean underwear and something to eat for dinner, this mama has got it covered.

Making plans by writing everything out and over thinking the future are just a few details about me. I enjoy creating materials and routines that help simplify my busy life.

My family lives in Alaska, where things may be a little different from where you are from. I enjoy sharing tips and tricks of how to live a more simplistic lifestyle, how to manage family finances, and how to balance work-life and mom-life.

Here at Managing Money & Motherhood I share my journey and tips on all things related to motherhood.

Helping Mom’s Manage it All

Managing Life

Finding solutions to everyday problems and creating routines to simplify life, so that busy moms can live the life they desire.

Managing Motherhood

Uplifting busy mothers by identifying ways to lessen motherhood’s most chaotic moments.

Managing Career

Discovering the sweet spot between work and play, between you time and time with the kids.

Want to know more?

I love to hear from my readers. If you have questions or would like to send me an email, click the link above.