As a working mom, I am always looking for ways to improve myself. Whether that be improving as a mother, as a professional, or simply as a person. If you are looking for a way to advance your career you might look into hiring a career coach.

What is a Career Coach?

Career coaches, also known as professional coaches, use a solution based approach to help their clients who are in need of career advice and support. 

Professional coaches can help those in many various phases in their professional journey whether that be; those who want to evolve their current career, those who want to leave their 9-to-5 to start a business of their own, or people who already have businesses and want to grow them faster or are struggling to be successful.

A career coach will assess your personality and skills through various avenues so you will have a better understanding why your current role in your career is either working or not working for you. 

This type of coach helps define or redefine their client’s career goals and objectives. Career coaches not only help you define what your career goals are, they help create a strategy to achieve them. 

Career Woman
Image by magnetme from Pixabay

Through asking questions and discussion your coach will be able to guide you in finding your long term career goals and create an action plan on how to get you there. If you need someone to help you achieve your career goals, a professional coach can be what you are looking for.

If you are just starting out in your career field, a career coach would help you through educational requirements, skills, and background that you would need to have in order to meet your career goals. Your coach will assist you in the application process and prepare you for interviews. 

Maybe you’ve considered hiring a coach but aren’t entirely sure what they could do for you or if it’s worth the time and money. If you feel stuck in your current job or you are wanting to advance your career a professional coach may be what you are looking for.

What Can A Coach Do For You?

Professional coaches keep you accountable and motivated throughout your career journey.

Having someone that not only helps you discover what you want out of your professional life, but that also formulates a plan to achieve that life and holds you accountable can be very valuable.

A career coach will be able to assist in aligning your ideas to your personal beliefs and linking them to your true goals and intentions. They have the skill of being able to shift through your countless ideas and are able to pinpoint the ones that have meaning for you. Sometimes it takes a new perspective to see something that is already there.

Your career coach is a non-judgemental confidant that you are able to disclose information that you may not feel comfortable telling a friend, business partner, or even your spouse. It’s very valuable to have someone that will not judge you to be there to bounce ideas off of. 

Having someone that holds you accountable can also be a huge motivational factor in reaching your business goals. A coach has one goal in mind, and that is to turn your ideas into reality.

One overlooked benefit of having a professional coach is their ability to connect you with the right people. Professional networking can mean loads to accomplishing your career goals, Coaches most often know many people and can help connect you to your industry’s network. The coaching industry has the ability to vastly grow your network, which can be hugely beneficial.

Working with a coach can grow your confidence in ways you would not imagine. You may discover that you’re capable of more than you ever expected and when you are clear on your values you’ll be able to make decisions based on those values. Sometimes you have to do things that you normally wouldn’t do, or something you hate to do, in order for you to get to where you want to be. 

Questions To Ask Yourself

If you are considering hiring a career coach there are a few questions that you should answer. 

Are you willing to put in the work?

Think of a career coach like a personal trainer. They can give you the information you need to succeed, like working out so many times a week and what to eat, but if you are not dedicated to do what they are telling you, you will not get the results you desire. If you’re not implementing it, if you are not checking in, if you are not being accountable, your coaching sessions will not be successful.

What do you want out of the coaching experience?

Nothing in life is guaranteed. Your coach will not be able to guarantee that your professional goals will be realized. If you are going into coaching looking for a guarantee you may not want to hire a coach. What you will get from your coach is structure, accountability, and support. 

Why do you need the coaching?

Your coach will become a partner who is there to guide and challenge you into a whole new way of thinking about what you want and how to get it. How you can have a better, more meaningful, more profitable and fulfilling professional life.

Finding A Coach

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

Finding a coach is best done through word of mouth and referrals. If you are considering hiring a career coach do some networking to find out if there is anyone in your circles who have had a good experience working with a coach in your area. 

Digging through social media and google-ing your heart out is an option as well. If you are not able to find a coach through word of mouth or referral, try looking up profiles of certified career coaches on LinkedIn, or other reputable sites. 

There are many types of coaches out there, and not one coach will be the right fit for everyone. Make sure that the relationship you have with your coach meets your needs. If you begin with a coach that is not propelling you in the right direction or you think they are lacking, it’s perfectly acceptable to move on and find a coach that vibes with you.

Often coaches will offer a free trial period while both parties are figuring out if the connection is the right fit. There should not be any large upfront fees, if there are this may be a red flag. If you are unsure about the coaching industry, reach out and ask questions. 

In Summary

A professional coach may be the support you need to help you in achieving your career goals. If you decide to find a career coach, they will be able to help you brainstorm and evolve your plans to better your professional life.

Your career coach will be a support person that keeps you accountable and motivated throughout your career journey. They will assist you in aligning your personal beliefs and goals, to form the perfect strategy to reach your dreams.

You will need to be willing to put in the work in order to see success. Hiring a career coach does not guarantee your goals will be reached. You will need to work hard in order to realize your potential.

There are many types of coaches out there, and not one coach will be the right fit for everyone. Make sure to talk with reputable sources when looking for a career coach.

If you do not have the funds or cannot find a career coach, educate yourself and become your own career coach! 

Remember you have control of your future and you can do anything you set your mind to!